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at the death of

The maps included in this web site are from the book
"A School Atlas of English History"
ed. by Samuel Rawson Gardiner, M.A. LL.D.
It was printed in London by Longmans, Green, and Co. in 1892.

Srbi pre i posle mira u Ahenu 812. godine:

1. datovane gromile; 2. gradine sa gromilama; 3. poznati gradovi; 4. grobovi franackih osobina; pojedinacni franacki nalazi; 6. hrvatska groblja; 7. groblja Koman kulture; 8. granica prostiranja zabeleženih gromila; 9. pretpostavljeno prostiranje gromila oko 800; 10. oblasti pod privremenom franackom vlašcu; 11. oblasti pod bugarskom vlašcu; 12. plemena koja su naselili Franci; 13. verovatno granice posle 812.

Serbs in the 7-th-8th centuries

The map included from
"The Serbs in the Balkans in the light of
Archaeological Findings"

Djordje Jankovic